Thursday, December 16, 2010

Stretching: how to progress?

You can progress in your stretching goals, provided you train very regularly (at least three times a week), having a good teacher, which clearly explains the basic movements and corrects you. In an untrained adult, it takes two to three months before receiving an early result.
stretching progresser
Through stretching, you'll have a sense of well-being, you will be calmer, less stressed, you'll feel better about yourself. This is already an excellent result, and we must not lose sight that this is the essence of what is expected of this gym. In contrast, in purely physical level, muscle, tendons and joints, you can obtain the following results:

- Better maintenance of the general body (spine);
- Better understanding and awareness of your body;
- Better breathing, which becomes wider and deeper, with better awareness of the movements of your chest;
- Flexibility: stretching increases flexibility, the ability to have less muscle contracted and, secondly, more elongated.

It depends on your physiology and your training

Some will progress faster and others will have to wait longer. In all cases, the stretching is beneficial, and remember that its purpose is not to provide performance, but to give a feeling of well-being.

Consider the familiar example of the large gap: normally, we can not achieve this position if you have been accustomed to taking from early childhood (eg, dancers). In adulthood, it is possible, but with great perseverance. But if you can not make this move, even after months or years of effort, you get anyway excellent mobility of the joints of the pelvis and excellent flexibility of thigh muscles through stretching exercises .

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