Tuesday, November 30, 2010


The sinusitis is a very common infection that affects the bone cavities located on either side of the nose. However, the risk factors of sinusitis, the best way to blow his nose and complementary therapies are poorly understood.

Acute or chronic sinusitis?

Whether acute (sinusitis short term) or chronic (long-term installed and require treatment of long duration), sinusitis is an infection caused by bacteria, viruses or other germs.

What causes sinusitis?

By obstructing the nasal cavity, colds and allergies (respiratory and food) promote sinusitis. Other causes followed, the presence of a nasal polyp, a dental abscess, inhalation of contaminated water through swimming, overuse of decongestant sprays, changes in elevation, deviation of the nasal septum, etc..

How can I prevent sinusitis?

People in whom sinusitis have an unfortunate tendency to drag on and reoffend, have every interest in putting into practice some preventive measures:
  • Keep away germs by washing hands regularly especially in winter, avoiding smoking and also away from the smoke.
  • Drink plenty to thin the mucus then drains more easily, which helps prevent infection.
  • Avoid alcohol, drink tends to swell the membranes of the sinuses.
  • Healthy Eating with emphasis on antioxidant-rich foods: fruits andvegetables.
  • Explore a possible allergic food the cause of sinusitis in collaboration with his doctor.

The best way to snuff

It is essential to gently blow his nose, one nostril after another. Conversely, an overly aggressive trimming contributes to irritate the nasal mucosa, thus preparing the ground for sinusitis.
The sniffles are unacceptable, they favor sinusitis and ear infections too!

Decongestant spray: drink in moderation

Please note, spray decongestant in pharmacies or on prescription should be used occasionally, and never more than three consecutive days, increase the risk of too much mucus secretion. Unless otherwise specified by the doctor of course!
To wit: if you fly (the altitude changes favoring sinusitis), use a nasal spray decongestant before takeoff and then 30 minutes before landing.

Cons sinusitis, hydrotherapy

Steam inhalations are ideal for facilitating the opening of the sinuses. It is also possible to relieve nasal congestion and pain by placing hot and cold compresses on the sinuses. Apply a warm compress for 30 seconds, then cold for 30 seconds as well. Alternate and three times ending with cold.

What about acupuncture?

In case of sinusitis chronic, acupuncture can provide significant relief. Moreover, the sinusitis is one of the indications of acupuncture by WHO.

Think Zinc

This mineral has been scientifically proven his claim against the severity and duration of colds, reducing the risk of sinusitis.
Attention, sinusitis can cause complications if the infection spreads. When in doubt, it is strongly recommended to consult.





Rich in omega-3 are interesting for their vitamin D, fish also carry contaminants. One can also ask for the regime, if not rather want to eat fish less fat ? Answers to these questions.

Who eats fish?

Nearly 80% of French eat fish every week. According to the French Agency for Food Safety (AFSSA), adults consume on average 26.5 g per week, 18.3 g and children, mostly school lunches. The fish most consumed in France are tuna oil, salmon, cod, trout and sardines (with bones are rich in calcium).

What are the nutritional interests of fish?

The fish are an important source of protein (18 to 20 g per 100g). They are also filled with minerals (iron, phosphorus, calcium) and trace elements (zinc,copper, iodine, selenium). They also provide vitamin D. Salmon, herring, sardines and anchovies are particularly rich (10 to 20  g per 100g while the recommended daily nutritional intake is 5  g per day). Followed by mackerel, halibut, eels and tunas (3-7  g per 100 g). 
As for the calorie intake of fish, it is determined by its acid content fat, including omega-3.

White fish or oily fish?

We distinguish the fish scarce, whose lipid levels are less than 1% (sole steamed, smoked haddock, sea bream, hake steamed, baked skate), and fish semi-fat, which varies between 1 and 5% (sea bass, turbot baked, raw tuna) and fish fat, including fat levels above 5% (smoked mackerel, albacore tuna, herring, grilled sardines in oil, smoked salmon). 
Overall, more than one fish is fatty, the more it is rich in omega-3, polyunsaturated fatty acids that protect against disease cardiovascular.Comparing fish and meat, for example, trout contains 24% omega-3against 2% in beef. 
In summary, for his health, it is preferable to choose a fish fat and the fat-free cooking (steam, grill, foil ...). However, as part of preventive health, consumption of fish fat to be incorporated into a varied and balanced diet, and the practice of regular physical activity. 
And of course, as part of a low calorie diet, it should take account of caloric intake of fish consumed.

Contaminated fish

The fish is good for health, except that many species are likely to contain environmental contaminants, including the mercury, arsenic, heavy metals that accumulate in the bodies of fish, and in ours .
What should I know? 
The most contaminated are also the richest in omega-3such as salmon, mackerel and sardines.
The species with the highest levels of mercury are large predators such as swordfish, marlin, shark, tuna and sea bream. Logically, the bigger they are, the longer they live, the more they eat small fish contaminated and they accumulate more contaminants themselves in their flesh. 
No seafood is accumulated excessive levels for different contaminants. 
For a truly exceeds consumer alert thresholds for contaminants, it should really eat fish every day.
Accordingly, it is recommended:
- Vary the species of fish consumed and the source of supplies. 
- Avoid predatory species.
- Give priority to fish small at the expense of larger fish.
Furthermore, women pregnant or nursing women and young children should avoid fish likely to be heavily contaminated.

And sushi and other fish eaten raw?

Raw fish, undercooked, smoked or pickled, are likely to be contaminated by a parasite (Anisakis). To avoid poisoning, just quickly freeze fresh fish, after removing the viscera, for 7 days at -20 ° C. It can also destroy the larvae of Anisakis Express by freezing: -35 ° C for 15 hours. 
Cooking eliminates this parasite, as long to cook the fish heart.



The risk factors for pancreatic cancer are now well known: alcohol, tobacco and diet. Prevention of pancreatic cancer depends essentially our way of life!

Pancreatic cancer: a rare cancer and poor prognosis

The pancreatic cancer is fortunately rare, since it represents only 1.8% of cancers in France (16th place), he arrived in 6th place for mortality. The survival rate at 5 years is in effect between 1 and 9%, which makes it a cancerparticularly challenging?

This cancer is not inevitable, however, because when one looks at risk factors or protective factors to the contrary that can avoid it, we realize that we can protect against this cancer.

Major risk factors for pancreatic cancer: tobacco and alcohol and

The risk factors most important for pancreatic cancer are smoking, which doubles the risk of pancreatic cancer, and excessive consumption of alcohol, which multiplies by more than 3.
The tobacco is thus implicated in one third of cases? As for the alcohol, he uses the pancreas and may be responsible for acute pancreatitis which raises further the risk of cancer. It is indeed two preventable risk factors.

Other risk factors for pancreatic cancer, diabetes and thus food

The diabetes is another major factor of risk of pancreatic cancer which doubles the impact. Again, our lifestyle will influence more or less rapid onset of diabetes, the role of alcohol and tobacco were still found, as well as that of a food too rich in animal fats or sugars.

Among dietary risk factors include the excessive consumption of red meat was found in two recent studies, noting that poultry consumption is beneficial, the fish and eggs have no effect.

Beneficial to prevent pancreatic cancer: lycopene, beta carotene and statins ...

Unlike some foods are beneficial, especially those rich in lycopene and those that are rich in beta carotene (lycopene and beta carotene are part of the family of carotenoids, potent natural antioxidants).
Foods rich in lycopene are tomatoes, watermelon, fresh apricot, pink grapefruit and blood orange. They can reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer by 31%.
Foods rich in beta carotene are carrots, but also oranges, apricots, mangoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin and dark green vegetables like spinach or parsley.
They can in turn reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer by 43%. Eating fruits and vegetables is largely profitable as ever to be shown.
It may be noted that this protective effect of fruits and vegetables will be limited in smokers and the question may arise to take over in their case, vitamin supplements.
Finally, those who have too much cholesterol should know, in addition to the diet that is good in preventing this type of cancer as we have seen, the statins (cholesterol-lowering drugs reference) may reduce their risk of pancreatic cancer in half. One more reason to take his pill every day!