Saturday, November 27, 2010


Why should we eat more omega-3 ?The answer to this question is very simple. That's because we eat less and less omega-3 and more omega-6. How did this happen? And why this balanceomega-3 / omega-6 is it so important?

Imbalance of omega-3 to omega-6

There are two families of Omega, the Omega-3 and omega-6, both essential for the proper functioning of our body, provided they are at about the same amount.
Indeed, for the organization to use these two types of fatty acids, they must be processed by an enzyme. But it is the same enzyme that converts omega-3 and omega-6.
If omega-6 are in excess, they monopolize this enzyme. Result, this enzyme is not available to metabolize omega-3, which are useless for the body.

How did we get here?

Our feeding strongly derivative. With industrialization and intensive farming, our intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids has changed radically.
For example, we consume more and more industrial products. Now the food industry uses fat rich in omega-6 (oil palm, sunflower, peanut ...). Another example, the animals who ate grass once and other seeds are naturally rich inomega-3, are now high with flours of corn and soy-rich foods inversely omega-6. Result, animal products (meat, milk and eggs) are now poor in omega-3 but rich in omega-6.

How do omega-3s are so important to our health?

The omega-3 and omega-6 have different effects, even opposed.
Omega 3 limit the production of fat cells and soothe inflammation, while omega-6 facilitates the storage of fat and inflammatory responses in the body.
In other words, too muchomega-6 and insufficiently ofomega-3 promote obesity and inflammation, processes involved in the development of major diseases: cardiovascular disease, cancer ... This denotes the importance of keeping these two types of fatty acids in reasonable proportions.
Please note that persons who fail to lose their excess weight when they do not consume more calories than normal, should ask themselves if they do not consume too muchomega-6...

Increase omega-3 is not enough, you also reduce the omega-6!
It is therefore essential to return to a diet richer in omega-3. But attention must also parallel decrease our intake of omega-6. Indeed, the imbalance reached with our food industry is such that it is necessary to change simultaneously both parameters.
You decide the ratio of omega-3 / omega-6 of our ancestors was third. Today it is 1 / 15 or 1 / 40 for some of us!
The consumption ofomega-6 has increased overall by 250% between 1960 and 2000 in France, while consumption of omega-3 has decreased by about 40%.

How to eat more omega-3 and less omega-6?
Avoiding industrial products and therefore by cooking yourself from commodity from, for animal products, livestock grazing or fed flax seeds (eggs, White and Blue Heart)
By focusing on plants in place of livestock products.
By eating fish two or three times a week.
Using fat as canola oil and olive oil.

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