Thursday, December 30, 2010


The magazine "60 million consumers" just published the results of a test proving the efficacy of slimming creams.True, but massaging the target area and some tricks also contribute greatly to reduce cellulite and orange peel. What should you know and how?

The Bottom Line: massage

The application of a cream naturally leads to perform a massage area unsightly. It plays a particularly important point being made daily, or regularly, even if it does not apply any cream or gel slimming. Indeed, it stimulates circulation and erases some cellulite. Drainage of toxic waste is easier and faster. It promotes the detachment of these fat reserves and the exchange between cells and the outside. Meanwhile, massage leads to a slight energy expenditure . It also helps to relax the fibers of collagen and elastin, and thus, reduce the appearance of orange peel. And finally, deal with her body, touch, apply a product to the skin, already participate in treatment and produces a psychological effect .


Always perform a circular motion from bottom to top . Perform movements kneading . Your massage should be supported. If done well, the area becomes red. Do not just stick to the thighs, spread this massage to the buttocks and stomach. Apply the cream and make the massage after a hot shower or bath.Hydration on the one hand, and the temperature on the other hand, are two elements that promote transdermal penetration. Exfoliate beforehand using an exfoliating gel or a massage glove also prepares the skin. The ideal is to continue with a workout to burn the released fatty acids and avoid restocking. And of course, to adopt a healthy and balanced diet . Finally, with or without cream, massaging his skin, taking care, is already proving beneficial.


Attention, slimming cream, concentrated firming, refining, gel anti-cellulite, anti-cellulite?, All these names do not offer the same effect. Some products will only strengthen and smooth the skin and does not exceed the thickness of the epidermis, while others act on the fatty deposits. Take the time to choose the one that suits you.



Dandruff and itchy scalp are common.What causes the film , what factors contribute to the onset of dandruff and how to get rid of. A quick look at the condition of the scalp and its treatments .

Dandruff, hair: risk factors

The causes are unknown but some situations favor the appearance of dandruff: stress, trauma to the scalp , hormonal changes, diet (high in carbohydrates), yeast infections, vitamin deficiencies or essential fatty acids, etc.. Factors favoring dandruff shampoos aggressive. Infrequent shampoos. Excessive use of gels and for fixing hair . Inappropriate use of dyes for hair . Cold weather.Dry indoor atmosphere. Unbalanced diet. Hormonal changes: Puberty, pregnancy, menopause.

How are the films?

The films are the result of seborrheic dermatitis, an inflammation of the scalp causing flaking of the scalp. Scaling is often accompanied by itching of the scalp. In addition to the film called dry, there is sometimes a form fat: the film from a mixture of dead cells from the scalp and sebum, which leads to an accumulation of dandruff forming plaques on the scalp . The films often affects infants during the first three months and adults 30 to 70 years. In addition to a family origin, the films are promoted by factors (above) and are more common in men, especially in winter.

What to do against dandruff, what treatment take?

There are treatments to curb the formation of dandruff , or even make them disappear completely. These are shampoos containing pyridine zinc, selenium sulfide, salicylic acid (aspirin), sulfur or tar. Using this type of shampoo every other day until they disappear (usually several weeks), then twice a week. If subsequently the film reappear, it is necessary to immediately resume treatment . In case of severe (thick scaling, crusting), it is recommended to apply at night, directly on the scalp , corticosteroids or salicylic acid. First-line, ask your pharmacist for advice. You can also use one of many specialty products anti-dandruff "sold in supermarkets or pharmacies. Watch out their composition.In case of failure of treatment or insufficient results, please talk to your doctor or a dermatologist.



A strong back is the assurance of enhanced health and a graceful silhouette. Here is a program that is both restorative and preventive. A 2 or 3 times per week on offense, 1 to 2 times maintenance. And whenever the need arises (back tense, tired cervical or lumbar).

Train your back: Exercise 1

Lie on your back, knees bent and held tightly by the hand, bring your knees toward your chest and swing slightly back and forth but also from left to right. 

Return to starting position, repeat. 

Twenty times

Train your back: Exercise 2

Lie on your back, hands behind head, knees bent. Bring your right knee toward you. Exhale slowly raising the chest and move your left elbow toward right knee.

Repeat on the other side. 

12 times, alternating

Train your back: Exercise 3

Sit on a chair now. Your arms are extended and stretched, same for your legs, feet flexed. Spread simultaneously arms and legs up and hold the extension 8 seconds.


5-8 times

Our tip

The abdominal muscles are the body's natural corset: it is they that keep your back straight. Do not forget!


Before coming to stockings, to veinotonics to sclerosis or surgery, maintain your legs to keep them beautiful for a long time. The four basic rules to follow.

For beautiful legs, it is necessary to promote venous return

The problem with the legs most often comes from poor circulation. Indeed, due to weightlessness, the venous return may be more or less laborious, especially if the walls of the veins tend to relax. Symptoms are then likely to occur, especially legs heavy, painful, varicose veins and spider veins . The observance of some rules, even if family history, can limit and delay of such symptoms and keep them longer beautiful legs . 1) Exercise your legs to activate blood circulation. It is not necessary to embark on a marathon. What is needed is to walk as often as possible, climb stairs and avoid prolonged sitting.When you can not do otherwise, if you work in an office for example, must compensate for this inactivity by pausing and going for a walk. It is also advised not to cross your legs, move his feet regularly and use a footstool. At night, it is also recommended to elevate his feet slightly. And finally, massage your legs up and down also helps to speed the venous return.

2) Avoid high heels. Without advising shoes completely flat, the high-heeled shoes should be avoided because they impose a position on the soles of the feet is not conducive to venous return. 3) Never too much heat. The heat promotes dilation of blood vessels which increases circulation problems. Do not your feet and legs to heat sources near a fireplace, hot tub, lined boots, sauna, steam ... However, be aware that the idea that the floor heating (floor heating) is harmful to the venous circulation is no longer true. Conversely, the cold is beneficial to venous return: late shower or late in the day, pass a jet of cold water on your legs.
4) Abandon any garment that compresses. Pants, skirts, belts or special panties tummy, compress the stomach and thus impede venous return. While compliance with these four points is not enough, a consultation is needed. Talk to your doctor, which if necessary will refer you to a specialist in Phlebology.Effective solutions available based on the port of stockings, and on drugs veinotonics . In case of varicose veins and spider veins, the vein specialist can propose sessions microsclerosis or resort to surgery.



Here is the result of our exercise program for you manufacture concrete buttocks. It's your turn! Perform these exercises 3-4 times per week initially for 2-3 months. 1-3 times per week thereafter for maintenance.

Carve your ass part 2: Exercise 1

On four legs, lean on your hands. Extend one leg backwards. Without asking the knee, bring the knee of the leg straight up to the next.

Switch legs. 

10 times on each side

Carve your ass part 2: Exercise 2

Lie on your back, bend your legs with your feet flat. Arms at your sides, lift the pelvis. Tighten and lift the right leg at mid-calf of the left and tighten the buttocks for a few seconds.

8 times on each side

Carve your ass part 2: Exercise 3

The right leg bent at a right angle, knee extension in the ankle and left leg stretched backwards, resting on the toes. By contracting the buttocks, bend the left knee and gradually descend.

8 times on one side and 8 on the other.

Our tip

The beauty of the buttocks is also achieved through cosmetic treatments: exfoliation once or twice a week and firming cream applied in circular movements.


The question is whether one has the stomach or if you have a big belly too. The distinction is important because the latter describes the metabolic syndrome , a condition that affects one in ten French and exposes cardiovascular disease ... So how do you know if you have a belly too big ?

Big belly: check that?

Your GP may well make the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome .

What is the definition of metabolic syndrome?

The metabolic syndrome is the association of several anomalies:
  • high blood sugar,
  • Excess triglycerides
  • ,
  • level of "good" cholesterol down
  • high blood pressure,
  • abdominal obesity.
The problem is that these anomalies are installed silently and often progress without one even realizes it. Yet long term, the metabolic syndrome doubled the risk of cardiovascular disease. So much to be aware as soon as possible to correct his mistakes, usually food, and break with a sedentary lifestyle.

Big Belly: What are the exams to achieve?

1) Measurement of waist circumference The measuring tape should be placed midway between the last rib and the top of the hip bone. The tape does not compress the stomach or away from the skin. Of course, the belly should be as relaxed as possible (no question of returning her belly or hold your breath!). The maximum values are 88 cm for women and 102 cm for men. However, Dr Boris Hansel, specialist metabolic syndrome * clear that it is above the trend over the years that counts. For example, the waist of a man who is less than 102 cm but increases by one centimeter per year for ten years is also a warning signal. 2) Blood test A simple blood test will measure both blood glucose (blood sugar in the blood, an indicator of diabetes), triglycerides and HDL (good cholesterol). Be careful, this blood must be performed fasting and exactly after 12 hours of fasting, or for example at 8 o'clock in the morning if the last food intake began at 20 pm on the day. Blood glucose should not exceed 1.10 g / l, triglycerides 1.50 g / l. As for HDL-cholesterol, it must be greater than 0.40 g / L for men and 0.50 g / l for women. 3) Measurement of blood pressure is called normal blood pressure when the first number is below 14 and the second under 9.However, under the metabolic syndrome , the two figures are not to exceed 13 and 8.5. To obtain reliable data, take voltage in good conditions to the surgery, after 5 minutes of rest, with a cuff and adapted to both arms. And finally, to be confirmed, measures should be repeated at three consultations.

The diagnosis of metabolic syndrome

The diagnosis of syndrome of fat belly is covered with 3 abnormalities in the 5 mentioned above (glucose, triglycerides, HDL-cholesterol, waist circumference, blood pressure). It is not necessary to wait to accumulate three to abnormalities of prevention: healthy, balanced diet and regular physical activity. Read "Watch your belly, attention to belly syndrome," Dr. Boris Hansel Editions Hachette Pratique. * Dr. Boris Hansel is head of Clinical Endocrinology-Nutrition at the Pitie Salpetriere hospital in Paris and head of a unit specifically dedicated to the metabolic syndrome.