Thursday, December 30, 2010


Dandruff and itchy scalp are common.What causes the film , what factors contribute to the onset of dandruff and how to get rid of. A quick look at the condition of the scalp and its treatments .

Dandruff, hair: risk factors

The causes are unknown but some situations favor the appearance of dandruff: stress, trauma to the scalp , hormonal changes, diet (high in carbohydrates), yeast infections, vitamin deficiencies or essential fatty acids, etc.. Factors favoring dandruff shampoos aggressive. Infrequent shampoos. Excessive use of gels and for fixing hair . Inappropriate use of dyes for hair . Cold weather.Dry indoor atmosphere. Unbalanced diet. Hormonal changes: Puberty, pregnancy, menopause.

How are the films?

The films are the result of seborrheic dermatitis, an inflammation of the scalp causing flaking of the scalp. Scaling is often accompanied by itching of the scalp. In addition to the film called dry, there is sometimes a form fat: the film from a mixture of dead cells from the scalp and sebum, which leads to an accumulation of dandruff forming plaques on the scalp . The films often affects infants during the first three months and adults 30 to 70 years. In addition to a family origin, the films are promoted by factors (above) and are more common in men, especially in winter.

What to do against dandruff, what treatment take?

There are treatments to curb the formation of dandruff , or even make them disappear completely. These are shampoos containing pyridine zinc, selenium sulfide, salicylic acid (aspirin), sulfur or tar. Using this type of shampoo every other day until they disappear (usually several weeks), then twice a week. If subsequently the film reappear, it is necessary to immediately resume treatment . In case of severe (thick scaling, crusting), it is recommended to apply at night, directly on the scalp , corticosteroids or salicylic acid. First-line, ask your pharmacist for advice. You can also use one of many specialty products anti-dandruff "sold in supermarkets or pharmacies. Watch out their composition.In case of failure of treatment or insufficient results, please talk to your doctor or a dermatologist.


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