Sunday, December 19, 2010

Virtues of chocolate

You're addicted to cocoa? Feel guilty! This greed has many strengths. But remember, to enjoy all its benefits without breaking your line is two squares of dark chocolate 60% cocoa per day maximum, no more.

vertus chocolats

Chocolate toning

The chocolate would it really an aphrodisiac? One thing is certain, power tonic and euphoric due Cocoa: contains caffeine, phosphorus and magnesium, known to help the body resist fatigue .

Chocolate also contains other essential components: 

- Theobromine, an alkaloid stimulator of central nervous system and cardiac system; 
- The phénylethylanine, a substance "psychostimulant" that wakes course to a lesser extent, the same brain areas as amphetamines.

Relaxing properties of chocolate

Rich in serotonin, a neurotransmitter, stress relief, chocolate like no other to appease a small shot of blues passenger. But researchers believe it could have a real interest in the management of depression. Studies are underway to confirm this.

Anti-aging effects of chocolate

Wealth of antioxidants, chocolate brings its own potassium, carotenoids and especially ofvitamin E , vitamin which we are often deficient and plays an essential role in the fight against aging .

See also our fact sheet Food Secrets anti-wrinkle .

Protection against caries

Provided of course that is slightly sweet, cocoa is the best of our teeth . Tannins inhibit the growth of microbes, the fluoride strengthens enamel and its phosphates limit the acid attack.

Regulation of blood sugar in the blood

Diabetics know naturally a peak of hyperglycemia after meals. According to recent research, a square of dark chocolate a day would allow a more rapid return to normal levels of blood glucose . Why not talk with your doctor during a consultation next?

Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease

After a period of weaning foods with cocoa, researchers administered to a patient group of dark chocolate rich in cocoa and chocolate another group of white same energy intake but poor in flavonoids and polyphenols. Result: a single square of 6g of dark chocolate every day for eight weeks led to a small but significant decrease in blood .

No effect on cholesterol

We could have had a doubt but contrary to appearances, the cocoa fat (stearic and oleic fatty acids) does not raise LDL, "bad cholesterol".

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