Sunday, December 26, 2010


The range of anti-wrinkle creams kept expanding and promises in the fight against the effects of aging are becoming more daring. For some, we forget that there are some rules anti-aging very simple and effective in minimizing the wrinkles .

Instead or in addition to cosmetic creams, anti-aging anti-wrinkle 4 setpoints

Fruit acids and retinol stimulate cell renewal, antioxidants (vitamins C and E, selenium, coenzyme Q10) against free radicals and UV filters, are all ingredients used by cosmetic manufacturers to formulate anti-wrinkle creams. But it is possible to preserve the state of his skin and fight against aging by means more simple. Follow the 4 step guide. Ideally, use the same time (and more), an anti-wrinkle cream to potentiate all possible effects.

1) Against the wrinkles, moisturize by all means

It is essential to ensure adequate hydration of the skin . We must act at two levels: inside by drinking water regularly throughout the day and enough, and outside by applying a daily or twice daily (morning and evening), a cream moisturizer on face, neck and décolleté. Adequate hydration is also a preventive strategy against aging of the skin , it is recommended to start as a teenager.

2) Eat your antioxidants to minimize the aging of your skin

Again, it is possible to intervene at two levels: if the application of an anti-wrinkle cream can nourish your skin with antioxidant nutrients from the outside, they can also be made from within through the power. While a board at any age, make plenty of antioxidants: they are found mainly in fruits and vegetables, but not exhaustive. It is therefore advisable to adopt a balanced and varied diet.

3) Protect your skin from the sun

The enemies of your skin , it is the UV. If you use a cream , make sure it contains filters UVA and UVB. Then, do not expose yourself unnecessarily to sunlight. Wear a broad brimmed hat (to protect both your face and neck) and when exposed, regularly and generously apply a cream sun.

4) To keep a beautiful skin, do not smoke

As UV, tobacco smoke is a potent factor promoting the formation of wrinkles .Smoking greatly increases the formation of free radicals. It also hinders the blood circulation in the peripheral blood vessels, resulting in poor oxygenation of the skin and therefore aging prematurely.



1 comment:

  1. While it is best to get your vitamins and minerals from vitamin rich foods, vitamin supplements may be helpful to ensure your getting enough of the vitamin your body requires especially in the case of water-soluble vitamins, (such as lypo aspheric vitamin c ) which means that the body uses what it needs and excretes the rest. For this reason a daily requirement is essential.
