Sunday, November 28, 2010


No treatment can cure diabetes. It's a lifestyle that must be put in place over the long term to prevent possible complications of diabetes. What are the main principles of a healthy lifestyle?

1) Reduce weight

The first step in diabetes is to monitor his weight. People with type 2 diabetes are often overweight, it is necessary to begin care by reducing weight. Please note, this is not to establish a highly restrictive. The best long-term results are achieved with diets low or moderately severe, especially tailored to individual dietary habits. In this context it is interesting to get help and follow their doctor or a nutritionist or dietitian. Finally, it is important to set realistic goals and reasonable. Lose a lot of weight in very little time is unsustainable and dangerous to health. Tips pratiquesVisez weight loss of 5-15% by weight maximum of 6 months. Delete your main dietary errors, which are very often on fats (meats, cheeses), soft drinks and beverages alcoolisées.Réduisez your overall caloric intake from 15 to 30%.

2) Eating Well

New eating habits must be established, preferably gradually, as they should be followed throughout life. The main principles are: Carbohydrates should represent about half the daily caloric intake. Slow carbohydrates should be preferred (bread, pasta, rice and other starches). The diet should be rich in fiber (especially soluble fibers: pectin, guar gum), such as those provided by fruits and vegetables. Tips pratiquesFaites at least 3 meals a day. Stop any snacking between meals. Reduce your total fat intake. Limit animal fats (fatty meats, eggs, meats, cheeses, butter, cream) and foods high in fat (fried foods, peanuts, ice cream, pastries, crackers?). Choose lean meats (pork, poultry without the skin), skimmed or semi skimmed milk products. Eat fish more often.For cooking, use (in moderation) of vegetable fats high in trans fats monounsaturated (olive, peanut, rapeseed oil) or polyunsaturated (sunflower, grapeseed, corn?) at the expense of saturated fatty acids ( butter, margarine?).Promote methods of cooking without fat. Avoid fatty foods involve more during the same meal (eg no meat and cheese at the same meal). Eat enough carbohydrates emphasizing consumption of starchy foods (complex carbohydrates) and fruit (simple carbohydrates). Choose carbohydrates with low glycemic index (fruit, lentils, beans, pasta, etc..). The amount of carbohydrate is gauged in terms of physical activity (occupational and private) and age. Divide between carbohydrate meals. Eat high fiber foods (eg fruit and / or vegetables at each meal). Products sweetened with sucrose (table sugar) are not banned after food provided to consider this additional supply of carbohydrates (note the sugary products are often fat!). No sweet drinks to sucrose, except in cases of hypoglycemia. Have recourse to sweeteners such as aspartame, saccharin, acesulfame potassium, for foods and sugary drinks. Limit your drinking heavily, and always during a meal.

3) To move everyday

Alongside food hygiene, it is imperative to practice physical activity regularly.Why sport is recommended? Because physical exercise lower blood sugar in the blood and therefore blood sugar. They also reduce the concentrations of blood fats (triglycerides in particular). In other words, sports improves blood sugar and prevent complications of diabetes. It is an integral part of treatment.
Practical advice
Desirable minimum target: 30 to 60 minutes of exercise, 2-3 times a week.
Physical activity should of course be adapted to the possibilities of each. 
It must always be regular. 
At a minimum, increase your level of daily activity (walking, stairs, gardening ...).
Joining a new lifestyle requires good motivation of the person with diabetes. For this, it must be informed, involved in his treatment and followed with regular revaluations. The program must be customized. Finally, it is advisable to involve the surrounding ...

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