Sunday, November 28, 2010


The causes of weight gain early in life are many and varied. But they all come to the same result: the filling of fat cells, so the pounds superfluous.


Research and development of the study of genetics in recent years have identified gradually genes involved in metabolism of fat and the weight gain.
We know now that there are genes that influence appetite, secretion of enzymes needed to burn fat and slow storage.
If you have a father or a mother too large, the risk is estimated to grow to 40%.
If both parents are above their normal weight, the risk is 80%.
A total injustice reigns in this area but it does. We can not change their genetic inheritance.

Bad eating habits

They are too often made in childhood. A child born into a family where "great food" is daily and / or force-fed by a mother distraught thinking that all problems are solved by eating, is inevitably a stock of billions of adipocytes extra. Even if he is lucky not to quickly gain weight, it becomes so bad eating habits. And he always took refuge in the food at the slightest problem.


Less we move, we spend less energy. Cars, no sports, walking, holidays, watching TV, etc.. Physical inactivity is a major cause of weight gain.


The pregnancy is a period of transformation of pre-adipocytes into adipocytes.Hence the pounds that accumulate with each pregnancy.

Hormonal cycle

The hormonal cycle often modifies appetite. It can be a lot less hungry during menstruation and the days preceding ovulation, falling victim to food cravings during the second half of the cycle. The estrogens, whose secretion is greater during the first half of the cycle, decrease appetite rather while progesterone (whose production is dominant in the second half) increases it. The alternation between the secretion of these two hormones is the essence of the hormonal cycle. A kilo taken during the last two weeks have lost normally and without special effort over the next two weeks. But for various reasons many of which are still unknown, this cycle can be capricious. Estrogens facilitate the storage of fat in the adipocytes of the thighs and hips. If their secretion is a bit too high, the pound settled.


A large majority of women on hormonal contraception do not take weight while others grow. The pill, which makes hormones as a drug, changes the natural hormonal balance. This is strictly personal, individual to each woman. The reactions vis-à-vis the pill can be as different from one woman to another. This may or may not increase the appetite, slow or no physical activity, modify or notenergy expenditure. If the sensation of hunger is increasing, so we eat more and it grows. But it is more difficult to notice a small slowdown physical insidious.We see that we take the pounds while the food is not altered. The weight gain may also occur after insertion of an IUD that does not change anything yet in the hormonal balance. Then it is a psychological conflict, contraception is unconsciously experienced as a castration. Hence, an imbalance that leads to find compensation elsewhere, a need to fill ... eating.


Around age 50, menopause sets in women. The activity of the ovaries slows and production of sex hormones decrease. They determine the location of the grease. But they do not play on quantity. Grow from 50 years is absolutely no inevitability as the energy expenditure is not reduced sufficiently to justify the weight gain. The kilos are psychological in origin related to fear of aging: loss of seduction, fear of not being as good, nobody can escape even if it magnifies the delights of the third and fourth ages looming on the horizon. Age is for all men and women, a very good excuse to indulge a certain food and increased inactivity. Hence the pounds and more. In fact, there is no more reason to gain weight at age 50 to 30 years unless we let go to absorb more calories than it spends.

Quitting smoking

Tobacco is a drug as soon as we can not do without. Quitting smoking is a good approach to preserve his health. But it often punishes by weight gain. Nicotine is a stimulant of the nervous system but also exerts an anorectic effect: smoke a cigarette just before a meal or cup limits the appetite. When nicotine leaves the body, hunger is stronger so we eat more. In addition, smoking consumes energy, about twenty calories per cigarette. This energy expenditure is deleted.To maintain a balance between the input food and energy output should eat less to compensate for the decrease of expenditures. However, appetite is increased because of the lack of anorectic tobacco. Finally, one often feels a strong need to suck on sweets to compensate for the lack, as a gesture to replace routine to bring the cigarette to his mouth. Energy consumption decreased, increased appetite and fat snacks / sweet, that's what makes the weight gain almost inevitable, unless there is really an iron will to resist snacking and increase at the same time his calories by doing a lot of sports.

Case Sport

The more you practice a sport, the more energy expenditure, obviously. The energy needs are important, they eat accordingly to meet them. This is quite normal. You get used to a diet rich hearty and where the discipline does not prevail because it is not growing. Very often, when the sport stops abruptly, for one reason or another, injury or change in lifestyle, we keep the same diet, simply because we have used. The energy expenditure is reduced, but caloric intake remains the same, the weight gain is inevitable. But if you think so eat less, if it holds itself to reduce its quota of calories, it is not growing.

Serotonin and snacking

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that acts between others on appetite, satiety, mood, sleep and stress. It is secreted in the brain from a precursor which is an amino acid, tryptophan. This must be in high concentration in neurons and it may be that if the diet is rich in carbohydrates. It may lack serotonin for several reasons:
  • Meals do not have enough carbohydrates, when we systematically deprives bread (often not grow !)
  • When is a victim of stress because it mobilizes a lot. The instinctive desire of a sweetened product is often a compelling need to serotonin of the body: one nibble and you feel better afterwards, as appeased.
  • Or when the system of regulation of serotonin is not working well. This is the case with "carbohydrate cravers" the hungry of sugar that have uncontrollable impulses to sweet products. For them, they are like a drug that calms them.
Whatever its origin, lack of carbohydrate, very stressful life or behavior disorder food, the sweet instincts for making serotonin necessarily unbalancing the diet, either by making too many simple carbohydrates, or bringing too much fat together with carbohydrates (most snack foods are sweet and fatty), or by providing too many calories overall. This makes gaining weight.

Anti-depressants, tranquilizers promote weight gain because they slow the metabolic rate. It's a good reason not to absorb these drugs if we have not really needed. Cortisone over a long period also has the same effect. It increases appetite and inhibits the removal of sodium (salt). It may be necessary to make a suitable diet.

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