Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Rich in omega-3 are interesting for their vitamin D, fish also carry contaminants. One can also ask for the regime, if not rather want to eat fish less fat ? Answers to these questions.

Who eats fish?

Nearly 80% of French eat fish every week. According to the French Agency for Food Safety (AFSSA), adults consume on average 26.5 g per week, 18.3 g and children, mostly school lunches. The fish most consumed in France are tuna oil, salmon, cod, trout and sardines (with bones are rich in calcium).

What are the nutritional interests of fish?

The fish are an important source of protein (18 to 20 g per 100g). They are also filled with minerals (iron, phosphorus, calcium) and trace elements (zinc,copper, iodine, selenium). They also provide vitamin D. Salmon, herring, sardines and anchovies are particularly rich (10 to 20  g per 100g while the recommended daily nutritional intake is 5  g per day). Followed by mackerel, halibut, eels and tunas (3-7  g per 100 g). 
As for the calorie intake of fish, it is determined by its acid content fat, including omega-3.

White fish or oily fish?

We distinguish the fish scarce, whose lipid levels are less than 1% (sole steamed, smoked haddock, sea bream, hake steamed, baked skate), and fish semi-fat, which varies between 1 and 5% (sea bass, turbot baked, raw tuna) and fish fat, including fat levels above 5% (smoked mackerel, albacore tuna, herring, grilled sardines in oil, smoked salmon). 
Overall, more than one fish is fatty, the more it is rich in omega-3, polyunsaturated fatty acids that protect against disease cardiovascular.Comparing fish and meat, for example, trout contains 24% omega-3against 2% in beef. 
In summary, for his health, it is preferable to choose a fish fat and the fat-free cooking (steam, grill, foil ...). However, as part of preventive health, consumption of fish fat to be incorporated into a varied and balanced diet, and the practice of regular physical activity. 
And of course, as part of a low calorie diet, it should take account of caloric intake of fish consumed.

Contaminated fish

The fish is good for health, except that many species are likely to contain environmental contaminants, including the mercury, arsenic, heavy metals that accumulate in the bodies of fish, and in ours .
What should I know? 
The most contaminated are also the richest in omega-3such as salmon, mackerel and sardines.
The species with the highest levels of mercury are large predators such as swordfish, marlin, shark, tuna and sea bream. Logically, the bigger they are, the longer they live, the more they eat small fish contaminated and they accumulate more contaminants themselves in their flesh. 
No seafood is accumulated excessive levels for different contaminants. 
For a truly exceeds consumer alert thresholds for contaminants, it should really eat fish every day.
Accordingly, it is recommended:
- Vary the species of fish consumed and the source of supplies. 
- Avoid predatory species.
- Give priority to fish small at the expense of larger fish.
Furthermore, women pregnant or nursing women and young children should avoid fish likely to be heavily contaminated.

And sushi and other fish eaten raw?

Raw fish, undercooked, smoked or pickled, are likely to be contaminated by a parasite (Anisakis). To avoid poisoning, just quickly freeze fresh fish, after removing the viscera, for 7 days at -20 ° C. It can also destroy the larvae of Anisakis Express by freezing: -35 ° C for 15 hours. 
Cooking eliminates this parasite, as long to cook the fish heart.


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