Saturday, November 27, 2010


Whether physical activity protects women from endometrial cancer, sedentary lifestyle, as does spending long hours sitting, conversely increases the risk of endometrial cancer.Remains to be seen how much and what level of physical activity ideal.

Endometrial cancer: physical activity protects women

This is the analysis of 14 studies involving about it. The researchers conclude that women spent less than 4 hours per day sitting, their risk of endometrial cancer would decrease by 34%. But more simply, it is sufficient for women to make 5 times a week at least 20 minutes more per day of physical activitywith moderate to intense for them to fall by 22% their risk of endometrial cancer.

Endometrial cancer and sedentary occupations

Obviously this means that the advantage is in the camp of those who exercise a profession active physically, compared to those who sit behind a desk. But it also means that we can offset the sedentary lifestyle imposed by the office of recreation rather physical, avoiding to spend hours watching TV or home computer, and focusing on habits that move: short trips feet, walking the dog, fast walking, stairs instead of elevators or escalators, etc..
What is practical with the physical activityis that all activities are added: trips, activities related to the occupation, hobbies, sports, housework, DIY, gardening, whatever works, etc..
We can easily increase its quota of physical exercise and therefore the health benefits!
Reminder on endometrial cancer

Theendometrium is the lining of the uterus. Please do not confuse the cancer endometrial cancer with cervical cancer. This affects young women and is linked to infection by HPV, whereas cancer of the endometrium, without origin clearly identified target especially in postmenopausal women. Note that the cancer endometrial third type is the most common cancer in women after breast and colorectal cancers.

Bleeding, runny vaginal or abnormality of the mucosa uterine visible on ultrasound are signs that might indicate that cancer.

We note that we can prevent cancer of the endometrium by fighting against obesity (this is a risk factor), and applying preventive measures of cancer in general: food healthy and balanced fight against pollution The stress, etc.. and also by practicing regular physical activity. Note that theexercise is also a powerful protective factor for breast cancer!

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