Thursday, December 2, 2010


A person with HIV is the virus of AIDS, but has not developed the disease. In contrast, a person with AIDS has surpassed this stage, symptoms and developed the disease. In both cases, treatment is possible, where the essential act of getting tested as soon as possible to stop the disease!

AIDS and HIV seropositivity

Disease due to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has two phases, the asymptomatic phase during which patients are called positive, and phase of the symptoms of deficiency of immunity, also known as AIDS, characterized by infections , cancer or other neurological disorders including.
During the asymptomatic phase, the evolution of the disease is assessed by two bioassays, the rate of CD4 lymphocytes (white blood cells attacked by HIV) and viral load (the amount of virus in the blood). It is with these two parameters that the infectious disease specialist decide to start antiretroviral therapy.

Apply as soon as possible

As stated Dr. Pierre-Marie Girard, President of the Institute of Applied Medicine and Epidemiology (IMEA), the current strategy is to begin treatment earlier and earlier. Indeed, antiretroviral drugs are increasingly effective, better and better tolerated and more simple to make. There is no reason not to take the lead because the treatment can stabilize the disease and limit its development.

Detect the earliest possible

So, testing has become a major element of our health policy. It is essential to understand that if 150,000 people with HIV are treated in France, 25,000 are HIV positive without knowing it. This ignorance is a real loss of opportunity for them. Therefore, anyone who has tried it once in a lifetime of intravenous drugs or having had a period in his life sexual risk should be eligible for screening.
The list of testing centers, free and anonymous is available on the department website Sida Info Service: www.sida Info
And if you just take a risk or if you have any doubts, refer to the instructions given by emergency Sida Info Service: www.sida Info
As for taking care of people with AIDS, it is mainly through networks, linkages among infectious disease specialists and internists are well organized in France.


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