Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Certainly, textures, presentations and formulations of self-tanners have happily evolved in recent years. Still: even know how to handle this "miracle product" requires knowing the tricks to avoid some unpleasantness.

Among them, is often over-application of product, which enables the mine to orange or too brown. In this case, there are several solutions. The simplest is to wait until the effect of tanning fade naturally, which takes about a week.Certainly possible when the "failure" lies in an area easy to cover with clothes, it is less obvious when the "slippage" occurred in the face.

To overcome, you can then either exfoliate skin with a gentle exfoliation, or spend several times of cleansing milk on the face, which should already allow to remove a large portion of the proceeds deposited in excess. At the body, the procedure is the same, namely, body scrub, or in case of stock: lemon juice, which exfoliates and brightens a bit (to rinse thoroughly afterwards). Another concern sometimes mentioned: self-tanning favor outbreaks of acne. This is true only when the products are rich and contain oil (which is less and less the case). To avoid being faced with the problem, especially if you're starting with an oily skin, choose only light formulas gel or spray.

Less tan before?

Finally, the radius of convenience, yet note that you may one day feel that your self-tanner works less well than before. This may be because you're used to having mine tanned. But other things can also come into play. Firstly, a tube started must be completed faster, time altering its quality (after several months, you may never get the same result). Then, people who used to use often simultaneously cosmetics using fruit acids can see the effectiveness of their self-tanner altered simply because these products support a continuous but imperceptible exfoliation of the skin. Other products such as sunscreens, lip balms or some foundations can create a very thick physical barrier that prevents the sunless tanner to penetrate and act, why it is necessary to apply a sunless tanner on a cleansed and dry skin, preferably right after a scrub.


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