Sunday, January 9, 2011


The correct answers are in bold. 1) What is the shelf life of sunscreen?Three years. One year. 2) UVB is responsible for sunburn. True. False. 3) UVA is responsible for aging of the skin. True. False. It is essential to protect against both ultraviolet radiation. UVB is responsible for sunburn. Memo To: UVB as "Tanning" or "Burn"! All manufacturers of sunscreen UVB measured in the same way, giving an index ranging from 5 to 100. It is not the same for UVA (A for "Age"), as dangerous and responsible for aging skin. The calculation methods are specific to each laboratory. It is therefore difficult to compare the lack of harmonization. The Academy of Medicine has just issued a report, in which experts point out that exposure to UVA (used in tanning lamps), is as dangerous as UVB. Indeed, UVA also participate in the phenomenon of cancer causing lesions, which initially imperceptible, accumulate over time. And the body is much more difficult to repair damage caused by UVA than those induced by UVB. In conclusion, it is essential to protect against both types of ultraviolet rays. Use sunscreen and sunglasses adapted. 4) With UV Index 5 / 6 (high), without protection, how long the fragile skin and children receive a first sunburn? 25 minutes. 40 minutes . It is essential to protect against the sun. Do not expose yourself to the hottest hours (between 12 and 16 hours), apply and renew every two hours a sunscreen with high index, wear a hat, a T-shirt and sunglasses. And especially, do not expose the children. During life, 70% of sun exposure occurs before the age of 17. It is a major risk factor for skin cancer known. 5) Self-tanners (creams or capsules), staining the skin, protect from the sun. True. False. They just skin color, without protecting ray sun. Tan (e) artificially or not, you must apply a sunscreen with high index, avoid prolonged exposure and does not expose you between 12 and 16 hours.6) The risks of sun are much less important in spring that in midsummer. True False. As noted by Dr. Jean-Pierre Cesarini, president of the Solar Security, "in May, beware of ultraviolet ... Indeed, at this time, UV levels are comparable to those August, despite temperatures significantly lower ...".Ultraviolet rays whose intensity peak in late June, when the summer solstice, the rays are invisible to humans and cause no sensation of heat. They thus constitute a real trap. "In addition, in May, most of us were not exposed to sunlight for many months, our skin is more sensitive ...." 7) When exposed to sunlight, our body makes vitamin D. True. False. True, but the quantity produced does not increase indefinitely. It reached a plateau in effect and that maximum production is obtained in skinned people in half an hour against three or more hours in patients whose skin is more pigmented. Similarly, our ability to synthesize vitamin D diminishes with age. Thus, for the same sun exposure, people over age 62 have 4 times less vitamin D. 8) Our morale is sensitive:the light. In the sun. The sun can affect our morale, but the skin has nothing to do. Visible light is perceived by our eyes, ringing in our brain, which in some cases, helps to fight against SAD. 9) Melanoma is the most dangerous of skin cancers. It can be fatal, but detected and treated early, it can be cured: 90% of cases. 60% of cases. 10) A melanoma develops most often: De novo (that is to say nothing ). From a mole. And yes, contrary to popular belief, melanoma occurs most often de novo, that is to say, it does not appear in most cases from a mole pre-existing. Also, if a spot appears on your skin see a dermatologist to make a possible early diagnosis of melanoma. And of course, do the same if a task pre-existing or growing its outline becomes irregular. 11) The incidence of skin cancer increases every year: 5%. 10%.12) Each year in France, the number of new cases of melanoma from 3,000 cases per year. 7,000 cases per year. 13) The benign summer light eruption, skin disorder triggered by exposure to sunlight, may also be caused by UVA tanning received. True. False. True, UVA emitted by tanning lamps can cause a benign summer light eruption, characterized by small red spots on the skin associated with itching. Benign summer light eruption would affect 10% of French people, particularly young women. Appearing during the first exposure to the sun, it recurs every year if nothing is done. Prevention involves gradual exposure and protected by sunscreen reinforced into UVA.

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