Wednesday, January 12, 2011


We wanted, we liked it, but for multiple reasons, it no longer wants it. Today, thanks to laser off his tattoo is possible. But how and under what conditions?

It sounds like a good old joke. Mary loves Peter and gets a tattoo on his shoulder in a heart with the letter P. Then Mary, one day, finds that Peter is no longer so friendly. Unfortunately, she can not leave that for Paul, Patrick and Philip. At least pretend it was his tattoo tribute to his Dad!

Without remorse or regret?

Contrary to what one might expect, this story is far counter to illustrate the many reasons why a person wants to remove his tattoo ? A recent U.S. study * shows that these reasons are many and varied - and also concern a minority of " tattooed "because about 83% are very satisfied with their tattoos .However, women have more regrets than men because they represent 69% of people who want a facelift. Women vary? Advance or woman?

Social embarrassment

After all, the years passed, the pretty pink ankle may seem a bit "out" and the kanji much less readable on an abdomen that has lost firmness. And what could be more legitimate, ultimately, to want to erase a youthful indiscretion? But beyond the disarray caused by a registered body that most resembles them, a majority of women and men also evoke unease vis-à-vis the eyes of others. The time when tattooing was restricted to sailors and bad boys is far! However, in some professional circles and in some social contexts, the presence of a tattoovisible (on hands or face, for example) - and especially many - seems to remain stigmatizing.

Saved by the laser!

Until recently, is to remove a tattoo was not an easy task. The surgical solution, delicate, resulted in significant scarring. Today, performed in a dermatologist specialized intervention in laser produces good results. But everything depends on the location of tattoo , density and depth of the ink and the colors used. Indeed, if black, red and blue go rather easily, like the green color can give trouble.

Longer to undo than done ...

Technology laser is to destroy only those cells that have absorbed the skin color, which limits the scar. However, for a flat black or Asian skin on which thelaser often leaves major brands of depigmentation. The laser can be slightly painful, but numbing creams used to alleviate the burning sensation. Removing a tattoo also asked several sessions of laser: a logical way, plus a tattoo is extended, it will take more sessions, although this number is difficult to predict in advance. Moreover, the laser sessions should be spaced about two months to allow the body to eliminate the pigment destroyed? This often leads to one or two years the time needed to complete disappearance of the tattoo . We must therefore take their troubles patiently? and be prepared to dip into these savings because the cost of a single session is on average 100 to 150 euros.Moral: if the tattoos are not eternal, it does not prevent them from being stubborn. A word? * Armstrong, M. Archives of Dermatology, 2008.



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