Sunday, January 9, 2011


According to a survey conducted at the request of Vichy Laboratories, among a representative sample of 1,000 men, 46% say they take care of their skin, but only 5% thought it was important to use cosmetics everyday. Besides the users 'illegal' that draw upon the products of their wives, the men spent in 1999 almost 128 million francs for their beauty products, an increase of 11% over the previous year.

The behavior of men face cosmetics

Nearly 10% and 36% of male respondents respectively consider it very important and important to take care of her skin. Among these men "involved", 46% use a cream moisturizer and 1.2% care anti-aging , against respectively 31% and 0.8% on average for men. For 67% of respondents, the cleaning of the skin is the largest daily move, then come only after-shave care (25%) and hydration (23%). Nearly 38% of attention to their skin consult at least once a year, a dermatologist, against 26% for the average man. Concerning the actions of everyday health, they place largely in the first balanced diet (56% of respondents) and practicing a sport regularly (47%). The use of cosmetics only happens in 5th place behind regular visits to the doctor (35%) and takingnutritional supplements or vitamins (7%).

More than half of men say buy their own beauty products (52%), while for 40% and 8% respectively are their wives and their mother doing it. In most cases, these cosmetics are purchased in supermarkets (64% men), if not in pharmacy (23%) or perfume (9%).

Users 'illegal'

Over 68% of men use "illegally" of cosmetics , that is to say non-specifically targeted at men and most often those of their wives.

In 1999, they spent their products beauty almost 128 million francs, which represents a 11% increase over 1998, against $ 12.8 billion for women with a more modest increase of 6, 2%.


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