Friday, January 28, 2011


Quick, quick! Summer is approaching!But do not miss your first annual meeting with the sun , which can be bitter, it is wise to make summer time well before the meeting. Nothing more simple assessment and review your bet on solar additions.

Prepare your skin to the sun: hands on fruit and vegetables

Some fruits and vegetables increases your natural defenses and, therefore, stimulate your pigmentation. This is particularly apricots, mangoes, watermelons, nectarines, melons and pink grapefruit are rich in beta carotene which, when deposited in tissues, protecting them from oxidation and absorb some UV radiation . At the fruit, handmade low on tomatoes and carrots, but also on lettuce, watercress, broccoli, spinach and peas. If you are running on their leaves or their skin a trickle of olive oil, you will make your skin more unsaturated fatty acids required for its flexibility and hydration.

Long live the beta carotene!

If diet low in fruits and vegetables, the solar food supplements containingextracts of apricot, vitamins A, B6, E, C, beta carotene, zinc, tomato lycopene or selenium can come to your relief. These cocktails impede the deleterious effect of free radicals generated by UV, which have a nasty habit of squandering your capital antioxidant defenses, and allow you to tan "better" expose yourself "less". In addition, the beta carotene stimulates skin pigmentation. The ideal is to start a course fifteen days before exposure (one month, for sensitive skin and light), continue for all of your holiday, why not, two weeks to a month in return for extending the holding of tan. But beware: taking these supplements is no substitute in any way for good sun protection.

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